Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vintage Jewelry -Sarah Coventry

Sarah Coventry jewelry is the oldest direct selling jewelry company in the world that sold brooches, earrings, sets, and bracelets.  This line of jewelry is highly collectible but still affordable and attainable. My grandmother always enjoyed collecting and wearing it.  She inspired a love of vintage jewelry in me. I enjoy collecting this jewelry myself because it is of really great quality.  I have several pieces I have collected for sale in my Etsy shop.  You can find the links below.

Who is Sarah Coventry?
Sarah Coventry was named after the granddaughter of Charles H. Stuart, founder of the company.
Her name was Sarah Ann.
How was it sold?
Sarah Coventry jewelry was sold through home jewelry parties and the Sarah Coventry International Department store.
When was it made?
Sarah Coventry was established in 1949.  The company closed it's doors in 1984.  It opened for six months in 1994.  In 2002 some jewelry was sold on HSN parties and home parties in 2003.  This ceased in October 2008.
What are the marks?
SC- after 1953
Sarah Cov.
Sarah Cov with copyright 2002-2003








Carroll, Julia C. Collecting Costume Jewelry 202: The Basics of Dating Jewelry 1935-1980 : Identification and Value Guide. Paducah, KY: Collector, 2007. Print.

"Sarah Coventry." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Oct. 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Coventry>.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A True Classic ....5 Fast Facts About the Movie Rear Window

  Rear Window starring Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart is hands down one of my favorite movies. I've watched it countless times and each time there is some small but interesting detail that you discover and have missed other times.  
  I love watching the relationship between L. B. Jeffries (Jimmy Stewart) and Lisa Fremont (Grace Kelly). The tension that exists between them makes for some great scenes.  Lisa Fremont (Grace Kelly) is more than just some pretty girlfriend.  She is independent, intelligent, even bold. She tells Jeffries "I'm in love with you.  I don't care what you do for a living. I just want to be part of it somehow." Grace Kelly exudes class and elegance from a bygone era.  L. B. Jeffries is stubborn and dilligent in the spying of his neighbors.  He is passive about love and does not want to be tied down by Lisa.  He says "She expects me to marry her. I don't want to." Jimmy Stewart's performance is very convincing. Hitchcock's presentation is flawless and we are drawn into this mystery.  
  If you haven't seen this movie yet, I recommend you do.  It's a great date movie or for one of those rainy days inside.  You won't be disappointed in this vintage classic.

5 Fast Facts About the Movie Rear Window

1.  This is the only movie that Grace Kelly is seen with a cigarette.  She refused to smoke in films except this once. 

2.  Rear Window is Neil Patrick Harris' favorite movie.

3.  Once during filming the lights were so hot they set off the sound stage sprinkler system.

4. A remake of this movie was made in 1998.  It starred Christopher Reeve in the lead role.  It aired on the ABC network.  

5.  The apartment including the courtyard and all other windows were built on a single set. 

Lisa Fremont Style Earrings!  https://www.etsy.com/listing/108613708/vintage-shiny-clear-beaded-clip-on

Image courtesy of Google Images.

Wikipedia Contributors.  "Rear Window"  Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.  11 October 2012. Web. 13 October. 2012

Roger Ebert. February 20 2010.  http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll

"Rear Window." IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047396/>.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hockey Goes Vintage

      The cover of the latest issue of the WNY Hockey Magazine depicts Punch Imlach and his vintage fedora. Punch Imlach was the first general manager of the Buffalo Sabres and had a hand in some of the Sabre's early successes.  For more information you can check out the WNY Hockey Magazine's latest issue at wnyhockeynow.com.  My father in law, Steven Manson is the publisher of the magazine which has entered into it's 19th year.  The magazine focuses on news in local hockey, Sabres, Amerks, College, High School and Amateur. 
        Thinking about purchasing your own fedora like Punch Imlach? Fedoras are great for those bad hair days.  They are en vogue with the celebrity crowd and have recently come back in fashion in part thanks to the popularity of Mad Men.  Check out Etsy.com for vintage and newly crafted ones ranging in price from $25 and up. 




Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So Golden and Delicious


So Golden and Delicious

         Apple Day is around the corner.  Yes, there is a holiday called Apple Day.  It is mostly celebrated in the UK on October 21st.  I myself am a fan of the apple. I have been celebrating all month with various recipes of all kind.  I recently made apple french toast and apple won-tons.  Both very good! I've also tried original creations as seen in the picture (those are raisins). Recipes are below.
Share your apple ideas/recipes in the comments section below.
Apple kitsch is back and  trending again.  I especially love the use of vintage apple bushel baskets for decorating.  They can hold magazines, throws, etc.   A few cute vintage apple accessories can create a cute country kitchen .  I suggest not overdoing it though..then we enter the realm of tackiness.
Check out this cute chalkware piece above from Flatwater Antiques. Would look fabulous on a simple wall to bring some color into your kitchen.
Check out this beautiful pitcher below from jpcountrymarket. Would look lovely on a kitchen counter. Love it!
Check out this vintage apple pin below from my shop P&E Collectibles.  A great piece for this autumn season.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not work for Christian Dior.  These are only my opinions. 

 When a song gets stuck in my head it really gets stuck.  Stuck to the point where I have to find the song, download it and listen to it all the way through.  Then play it over and over again mercifully until I can recite every last word at nauseam.  So the recent song that has invaded my brain is Heavy Cross by the band Gossip off their recent album Music for Men.  Never heard of it? You have. It is in the Christian Dior commercial with Charlize Theron. The song has an upbeat drive that you can't help but like.
  In the commercial three Hollywood icons are digitized- Grace Kelly, Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe.  The commercial does a beautiful job at representing the nostalgia, sophistication and glamor that applies to these icons.  It truly speaks to the legacy these icons have created and I've enjoyed seeing them presented in a fresh way. Although I find this commercial's concept creative, I wonder if we rely too much on icons of the past instead of creating new ones? So many songs, movies, TV shows are remakes. Often I'll listen to a song or see a movie I really like and get disappointed that it is a remake.  Some remakes are better, some sadly not.   There are new ideas, new concepts that many artists are longing to share.   Comments/thoughts....

Here is a necklace a la Marilyn Monroe/Grace Kelly Style

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Very Vintage Halloween is Around the Corner

Disclaimer: These are only my own thoughts and opinions.

I am perplexed as usual that Halloween is just around the bend.  Thanksgiving, Christmas all but fleeting moments away.  As I passed by the aisles of ornaments, lights and wreaths during a shopping outing I came to the conclusion that marked seasons hardly serve a purpose anymore.  Are we all so busy preparing for the next holiday that we don't enjoy the present?  I digress...So in preparation for Halloween here are some very vintage facts about the holiday......
10 Spooktacular Facts About Halloween Days of Old

1.  Lit up turnips were said to help ward off evil spirits. (Apparently garlic isn't enough)  Pumpkins being more plentiful took the place of the turnips.
2.  Apple bobbing is called dooking in Scotland. (Isn't that a Green Day album?)
3. People once believed that witches were able to turn themselves into cats to avoid detection. (Explains why I'm not a huge fan of cats.)
4.  Not until the 1950s did Halloween become family friendly. (My favorite era.)
5.  Halloween originated in Ireland. (As all good things do!)
6. The first city wide Halloween celebration in the United States occurred in Anoka, Minnesota.
7.Trick or treating derived from the poor begging for food. (I knew it!)
8.  In Ireland , fairies were among the creatures who roamed on Halloween. (So that explains why there are fairies in True Blood.)
9. An old Halloween superstition says that if you hold a mirror on Halloween and walk backwards down the stairs to the basement, the face that appears in the mirror will be your next lover. (I know you are thinking about trying this.)
10.  In ancient times bonfires were lit to honor the dead. (I thought they were lit to honor the beer.)
So the big question is what will you be for Halloween this year? 
Perhaps a gypsy...? Below is the perfect accessory for that!https://www.etsy.com/listing/98247471/vintage-colorful-large-necklace
"History of the Jack O'Lantern." 2012.  The History Channel Website.  Oct 9 2012, 1:2
"History of Halloween."  Halloween History. Oct 9 2012. http://www.halloweenhistory.org
Wikipedia Contributors, 'Halloween', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 5 Oct 2012.Web.9 Oct 2012.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hello Everyone!

This blog is an extension of my vintage Etsy shop- P&E Collectibles.
You can visit my shop here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/PECollectibles
Follow me on twitter @elynn81
My facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/P-E-Collectibles/181426195283913

What is the purpose of this blog?

To share with you my knowledge and interest in all things vintage.  I especially love the 1950's era.  I enjoy finding connections between the present and the past.  I enjoy incorporating a vintage lifestyle into a modern day one.  Please follow me on this journey to the past.

Vintage: referring to a previous era, of old, recognized, enduring interest, importance of quality, sometime before 1993

    Synonyms: classic
    Antonyms: new